Friends of DDS

 What is Friends of Dunfermline Dramatic Society?

Friends of DDS is a annual membership scheme that allows both individuals and businesses to support the work of the society financially, and in return receive some great benefits.
The scheme is split between Personal & Corporate Friends (with different levels of Corporate Friends – Friend, Partner & Sponsor).

What are the main benefits of being a Friend?

  • Complimentary tickets to each production the society performs
  • Recognition in the production programmes, with free copy provided
  • Exclusive newsletter just for Friends
    • Updates on what the society is up to
    • Announcements of what the next productions will be, before the public announcement
  • Invitations to special Friends events

What are the benefits of being a Personal Friend?

Personal Friends are individuals who wish to support DDS (used to be known as Patrons).

Benefits (as per main benefits), specifically:

  • 2 tickets to each production
  • Listed as a Personal Friend in the programme
  • Listed as a Personal Friend on our website

What are the benefits of being a Corporate Friend?

Corporate Friend is the entry level for businesses who wish to support DDS.

Benefits (as per main benefits), specifically:

  • 2 tickets to each production
  • Listed as a Corporate Friend in the programme
  • Listed as a Corporate Friend on our website
  • A half page advert in the programme

What are the benefits of being a Corporate Partner?

Corporate Partner is the mid level for businesses who wish to support DDS.

Benefits (as per main benefits), specifically:

  • 2 tickets to each production
  • Listed as a Corporate Partner in the programme
  • Listed as a Corporate Partner on our website
  • A full page advert in the programme

What are the benefits of being a Corporate Sponsor?

Corporate Sponsor is the highest level for businesses who wish to support DDS.

Benefits (as per main benefits), specifically:

  • 4 tickets to each production
  • Listed as a Corporate Sponsor in the programme
  • Listed as a Sponsor on all marketing materials, our website and in our programme
  • A full page advert in the programme

How much does it cost to become a Friend?

It costs £35 to be a Personal Friend, £70 for Corporate Friends, £120 for Corporate Partners and £350 for Corporate Sponsors (all fees per annum).

How do I join the scheme?

To join the scheme, please visit and complete the membership form there.

Personal Friends

  • Rosalind Adam
  • Margaret Blyth
  • Colin Jessiman
  • Joy Kennedy
  • David McKenzie
  • Margaret McLaren

Corporate Friends

  • None currently

Corporate Partners

  • Blue Fox Engineering Ltd
  • Dirty Hands Garage

Corporate Sponsors

  • None currently