Join the Society
Interested in theatre? Want to be on the stage or help out behind the scenes? Come along and join us and get involved in Drama, Comedy, Theatre and all that goes with it.
We are always looking for new members. No previous experience is necessary and there is no audition to become a member. We are an adult society, so new members must be at least 18 years old and above to join. So why not give us a try? After all, Life is not a dress rehearsal!
The society meets every Tuesday and Thursday between 7.00pm & 9.00pm in the Music Institute (next to Carnegie Hall) , during their Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer seasons.
Membership is £30 per year and subscription is £30 per show.
For more information, come along to one of our rehearsals and see what we are all about.
You can find us here: